ZSoft Skills- Effective Time Management
ZSoft Skills- Effective Time Management
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Time Management
Course Objective: This course helps students understand time management by helping them determine how they currently spend time, offering ways for them to spend time more efficiently.  This course focuses on the Pareto principle and how it affects the use of time on a daily basis. Students also learn how to price their time, conduct a time audit, correctly identify and control poor time management personality types develop a daily plan, how to manage technology, and to how say ''no'' to doing too much. This course focuses on planning, scheduling, and concentration skills as well as how to handle e-mail, the Internet, and telephone productively. The program covers how to control productivity by dealing with people, managing information. Student are provided with techniques to overcome time management challenges. The program also covers handling interruptions, keeping meetings productive, organizing paperwork, identifying and overcoming personal time wasters.
Title/Unit Topics
Lesson 1
Understanding Your Time
  • Identify the principles of time management.
  • Identify a benefit of understanding my time.
  • Identify characteristics of poor time management personalities.
  • Follow steps to create a time audit.
  • Arrange the steps for creating a time audit.
  • Choose the correct interpretations of the Pareto principle
Lesson 2  
Identifying Goals and
Setting Priorities
  • Identify guidelines for making a 'to do' list.
  • Identify characteristics of goals.
  • Choose the correct actions in the GOALS acronym.
  • Identify characteristics of priorities.
  • Arrange the steps for setting priorities.
Lesson 3 
Developing a Time Management Plan
  • Identify the guidelines for modifying how you spend your time.
  • Identify ways to become familiar with the organization's priorities.
  • Select potential obstacles when creating a time management strategy.
  • Follow steps for creating a time management plan.
Lesson 4
Developing a Daily Plan
  • Identify the benefits of planning.
  • Identify obstacles to planning.
  • Arrange the steps to planning a day.
  • Follow steps to planning a day.
  • Identify guidelines for creating a daily plan.
  • Identify tasks not to schedule.
Lesson 5 
Managing Technology
  • Identify guidelines for making good decisions about technology.
  • Identify guidelines for handling e-mail.
  • Identify guidelines for not wasting time on the Internet.
  • Follow the guidelines for not wasting time on the telephone.

Lesson 6
Saying 'No' to
Doing Too Much
  • Identify the causes of doing too much.
  • Follow the steps to avoid doing too much.
  • Arrange the steps to saying 'no'.
  • Follow the steps to saying 'no'
Lesson 7 
Dealing with People
  • Identify guidelines for minimizing interruptions from visitors.
  • Select guidelines for minimizing interruptions from co-workers.
  • Arrange in order the steps for making meetings more productive.
  • Follow steps for making meetings more productive.
  • Identify guidelines for making meetings more productive for you.
  • Identify questions to ask yourself to overcome indecisiveness
Lesson 8
Controlling Information
  • Follow steps to distinguish important information from unimportant information.
  • Arrange in order the steps to overcome information overload.
  • Identify methods of screening information.
  • Identify guidelines for how to control paperwork.
  • Identify ways to handle information.
  • Identify types of files that increase productivity.
  • Identify items that should be filed.
Lesson 9 
Overcoming Time Management Challenges
  • Identify systems that help organize your office.
  • Follow guidelines for communicating.
  • Identify steps to follow to develop focus.


Textbook(s) and authors: The following textbooks will be used in the course. Textbooks may be accessed via the e-Reference Library at no charge to students for online access. You have the option to purchase the books within the e-Reference Library however it is not a requirement:

Exercises: You will go through a series of exercises that will assess your comprehension and application of the principles covered in the course. Once you answer the assignment questions, you may compare your answers to the answer key.
Lesson Quizzes/Tests: Upon completion of each lesson and exercises, there is a lesson Quiz.  These quizzes will assess your comprehension of the concepts covered within the lesson presentations. The grade achieved on these quizzes will be saved in the gradebook for the course.
Final Exam: Upon completion of all the activities in the course, there is a final exam. The exam will focus on all the material covered throughout the course, including reading assignments. Once the exam has been started, it must be completed and submitted, so be sure you have set aside enough time to finish the exam.  The results achieved on the final exam will be saved in the gradebook.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT Instructional/Technical Support may be reached by:

  • CHAT: clicking the icon in the online classroom entitled, ‘Connect with Support.’  A help desk specialist is available Monday-Saturday via instantaneous chat mode.  (Monday-Thursday 8am-11pm; Friday 8am-6pm; Saturday 11am-6pm)  
  • EMAIL: During those hours when online support is not available, instructional support will contact you within 24 business hours.